Welcome to Our blog

We wanted to create a space for everyone. All is welcome here. This is a safe and judgement free space. We want to give you a place where you are welcome and accepted for exactly as you are, as a person.

Our mission is to be able to help as many people as we can. By sharing our life experiences and Stories. Our blog is dedicated to offering support and understanding by sharing personal stories that resonate. You're not alone in your journey; we're here to inspire, connect, and empower each other.  We will also be sharing important information about things such as mental health, and anger management and so much more. We will have plenty of pages to choose from. We just want to help, by sharing our stories or giving you the information that you need.

You don't know who you might inspire. The story of your life, could end up being someone else survival guide. You don't ever truly know the impact you could have on someone else life. 

 We aim to provide comfort and hope to anyone who needs it. We want to help the world become a  more empathetic and connected place.

We value your thoughts and opinions as well, at the bottom of each page you can leave a rating and or a comment. 





We want you to always remember these things, especially on the hard days. Here 10 important things, we have  come to learn over the years. I hope this helps you, just as it helped us.


1. It's okay not to be okay, one day you will be okay. Everyone heals, grieves, and handles life differently. Please understand that what you're feeling and what you're going through won't last forever and that the storm and dark clouds will pass. You are not the darkness you've endured, you are the light that refused to surrender. 


2. You are beautiful/handsome just the way you are. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are your person, show the world your true self, and never lose sight of who you are. Because there is only one of you, which makes you rare and unique never forget that.


3. Some people we crossed paths with are meant to be lessons and we need to learn from them, while others are meant to be blessings. Either way, life will continue no matter what, and the world will continue to spin no matter what.


4. You are only human, mistakes will be made. I don't think we should be defined by those mistakes, we should be defined by how we choose to fix those mistakes.


5. You're a warrior, you will always come out the other side. You will figure it out, you will always shine brighter than the darkness. This goes for men and women.


6. You should give yourself the credit you deserve. Be proud of yourself, because despite everything you have been through you have managed to make it this far. Just take a moment and realize how far you have made it. Everything you have overcome, all the obstacles you got over, all the issues you have fixed, and all of the problems you have solved.


7. Always remember to be proud of yourself, love yourself, and make sure you are taken care of yourself. It's really important to love and take care of yourself on the hard days. That's when you need it the most, give yourself the same kind of love you give others, and be kind and compassionate to yourself.


8. Everything happens for a reason, sometimes things happen for a good reason, sometimes it's a bad reason, and sometimes the reason is better left unknown.


9. Every positive has a negative and every negative has a positive it's all in how you look at it.


10. Take it one problem at a time, one step at a time, one hour, one day at a time. Also, remember baby steps are also steps in the right direction. Sometimes all we can do is make it through the day andthat's good enough.


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